“Peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness”

— Eckhart Tolle

Source Point Therapy

Source Point Therapy

SourcePoint Therapy® works with points in the human energy field that connect the physical body directly to the blueprint of health. It supports the health of the individual as it reconnects the body and its energy fields to the fundamental information of health.

taking Source Point therapy

The fundamental premise of SourcePoint is that there is a universal energy field in which we dwell and that we are a part. We call this universal energy simply Source. This universal energy field contains the information of Order, Balance, Harmony, and Flow necessary to create and sustain life; within it are found blueprints for all forms of life. In SourcePoint our intention is to provide a means of connecting specifically with the Blueprint of health for the human being. This energetic template contains the information necessary to sustain physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, including that of the highest potential we have as human beings.